Liturgy, Prayers

Liturgy for Lighting Advent Candles

Advent I: Hope

One: As the nights grow longer, we see an echo of our uncertainty as we walk through a life filled with unknowns.
Many: As we look around at the horrors of the world, we fear what the future may hold, and sometimes we find ourselves lost in despair.
One: Yet, with the prophets of old, we hope for a time when wars shall cease, justice will roll down like waters, and the hungry will be filled with good things.
(the candle across from the pink one is lit)
Many: As we light the candle of hope, O God, we pray that your light would shine amidst our uncertainty and despair, that we might catch a glimpse of your presence beside us even in those moments we feel most lost and alone.

(add for a first-week Hanging of the Greens or Blessing of the Greens service:)
One: Bless this Advent wreath to be a sign of the fire of your Holy Spirit as we prepare again for your coming in Jesus Christ. Amen.

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